Web Hosting versus Cloud Hosting

Web Hosting versus Cloud Hosting

Web hosting is a service offered by businesses with web servers to other businesses that do not own web servers. The web server holds files for the organization that are accessed from different locations through an internet connection. While cloud hosting is a service offered by businesses with hardware and software resources to businesses without access to the same.  Cloud hosting uses servers where software and memory locations are shared in a server for different organizations to access. In both cases, the organization in need of the service either web hosting and cloud hosting is not able to purchase a server. Another reason could be the firms priority is not in the acquiring IT tools and equipment.

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Pros of Web Hosting

The server is more secure when it is dedicated web hosting. The server administrator is also able to optimize the server when need arises. The admisntrator also has total control over the content that is send to the server, there are no privacy breaches. The cost of setting up webhosting as well as receiving web-hosting services is significantly low as compared to other IT services. It is easier to back up information when using web hosting.

Cons of web hosting

The bandwidth is limited. While using dedicated servers to provide webhosting services, the bandwidth is limited and need arises for the organization to acquire extra servers.  There are very few operating systems offer a stable interface to run a webhosting server. These include windows server, CentOS and Red Hat enterprise Linux. Web servers are prone to hacking and personal information may be accessed and used against the organization. There is no redundancy in web hosting; this is a disadvantage because messages may be lost when power loss or computer crash occurs.

Pros of cloud hosting

To the business, the cost of acquiring information technology tools is minimized. A business may not require servers and other IT tools; it will only acquire those that it needs through cloud hosting. It offers a variety of services, cloud hosting offers both software and hardware resources to businesses. It is reliable; cloud hosting is dedicating an organization IT needs to another company. This is outsourcing to a company with IT experts. Tools and resources hired through cloud computing can be accessed from any location without the need of internet connection.


Cons of cloud hosting

There is less security on personal files and information. Cloud hosting is centralized in nature thus clients have no control over the data posted to the servers and the location it is stored. Organizations do not have complete control over the applications and tools offered in cloud hosting. As a potential service provider cloud hosting is expensive to set up and offer hosting services. The cost is high due to the equipment needed to set up servers for hosting.

It is recommended to consult with an IT expert before choosing the type of hosting to use in your firm. Consider the cost and services offered by both together with the pros and cons.

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